Thats's not me in the pic.
It just came with the template, and it's not entirely unlike me.
If I were a bit younger, less bearded and more handsome...
(Also, this white text is on white in the editor
so I barely know what I'm writing.)
First a few notes in Swedish: Jag skriver mer än gärna på svenska. Dock kommer det att finnas en hel del innehåll på denna sajt som ska kunna engagera fler än bara svensktalande mottagare. Eftersom antalet svensktalande begripare av engelska är fler än vice versa, så kommer gundstrukturen och en hel del av innehållet att vara skrivet på engelska. Somligt innehåll kommer att vara alldeles väldigt svenskt till sin natur, och därför följaktligen vara skrivet på svenska. Det klarnar nog.
Motsvarande notis på engelska: I'd be more than happy to write mostly in Swedish. However there will be some content on this site that might be of concern to more than just Swedish speaking readers. As there is a greater number of Swedish speaking comprehenders of English than vice versa, the main structure and a good deal of the contents will be written in English. Some content will be very Swedish in nature, and thus of course be written in Swedish. You'll get the hang of it.
Just another template picture. He looks considerably more aggressive than I feel. Not that I can't be angry. But I think I get more like "Seinfeld angry."
This text space was here, so I'll just leave it be until I find out what should go here. It probably won't turn out to be this very text as things progress. If they do.
Copyright © All Rights Reserved. It's mine, all mine! (Mouhahahahaaahaaaa)